The importance of creativity in sustainability
12 Mar 2018
In an avalanche it's the saltation layer that determines the reach and impact the avalanche will have. It could be said that creativity is the saltation layer of the sustainability avalanche.
You will often get creatives working on sustainability, but all too frequently they are working on specific projects with their own pre-determined briefs. It may be to create a new website, to design a new report or to perhaps PR an activity. But how often do you get a 'creative' to actually help you determine your sustainability strategy. I like to think this is happening more often, and I also like to think that Coriander Cows is an agency that is providing a way to do this by being both a creative agency, in the sense we help design communications, websites and so on, but we also understand and can design and deliver sustainability strategy, plans and programmes. In fact, sustainability is our passion, creativity is simply our way of delivering against our ambitions. We believe it's central to engagement and central to behaviour change needed for true sustainability to become a reality.
When you take a creative approach right from the beginning, and explore strategy in a way that challenges the norm, pushes boundaries and to some extent makes people feel a little uncomfortable, you can achieve ambitious, inspiring things. Providing you employ good change management during this exploration stage, ensuring people understand the need for the change and see where it could take them, you'll find people are remarkably good at being ambitious and can really get behind a new challenge.